3 Places You Should Actively Avoid this Year

BiblicalLiteracy, worldview

3 Places You Should Actively Avoid this Year

Psalm 1 begins with a clear and striking message:

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.”

This verse provides a blueprint for a life blessed by God. The psalmist highlights three places we should actively avoid: walking in step with the wicked, standing in the way of sinners, and sitting in the company of mockers. Each of these actions represents a progression of influence and involvement with ungodly ways, and avoiding them is essential for living a life that honors God.

Let’s explore each warning and its practical application for our daily lives.

1. Avoid Walking in Step with the Wicked

To walk in step with someone is to align yourself with their direction and pace. When the psalmist warns against walking in step with the wicked, he’s cautioning us against adopting the worldview, habits, and attitudes of those who disregard God’s ways.

Practical Application:

  • Evaluate Your Influences: What kind of media, conversations, and relationships dominate your life? Do they encourage godly living or pull you toward compromise?
  • Choose Your Path Carefully: Make a deliberate effort to align your steps with God’s Word. Spend time in scripture and prayer, allowing God’s wisdom to guide your choices.

2. Avoid Standing in the Way That Sinners Take

Standing implies a pause, a deliberate choice to linger or dwell in a particular place. To stand in the way of sinners means to position yourself where ungodly behavior thrives. It’s a picture of someone who’s no longer just influenced by sin but has started to tolerate and accommodate it.

Practical Application:

  • Guard Your Environment: Be mindful of the places, activities, and situations you engage in. Are they environments where God’s values are honored, or do they normalize sin?
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to opportunities or invitations that compromise your faith. Surround yourself with people and settings that encourage righteousness.

3. Avoid Sitting in the Company of Mockers

Sitting represents a posture of comfort and agreement. To sit in the company of mockers means to fully settle into a lifestyle that scoffs at God’s truth and celebrates rebellion. By this point, a person has moved beyond mere influence or tolerance to active participation.

Practical Application:

  • Refuse to Join in Mockery: Resist the temptation to participate in conversations or activities that dishonor God or belittle others.
  • Seek Fellowship with Believers: Find your place among those who value God’s Word and encourage you to grow in faith.

The Reward of Avoiding These Places

Psalm 1 goes on to describe the person who avoids these pitfalls:

“But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:2-3)

By avoiding ungodly influences and instead delighting in God’s Word, we can be like a tree firmly rooted, flourishing, and fruitful. The choices we make about where we walk, stand, and sit have profound implications for our spiritual health and the blessings we experience in life.

A Plan for Avoiding These Places

  1. Walk with God: Begin each day with prayer and scripture reading. Let God set your direction.
  2. Stand in Righteousness: Commit to standing firm in your faith, even when it’s unpopular.
  3. Sit in God’s Presence: Spend time in worship and fellowship with believers who inspire you to grow in Christ.

A Life of Blessing

Psalm 1:1 reminds us that the path to a blessed life begins with avoiding the traps of ungodly influence. By guarding where we walk, stand, and sit, we position ourselves to grow in faith, bear fruit, and experience God’s favor. Let this be a year where we intentionally choose paths that honor God and lead to lasting joy.

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