Psalm 1 begins with a clear and striking message: “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.” This verse provides a blueprint for a life blessed by God. The psalmist
A New Year’s Guide to Wisdom: Lessons from Proverbs 1:1-6 The book of Proverbs is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering timeless guidance for navigating the complexities of life. Written by King Solomon, the wisest man in history, this book is a wellspring of insights meant to shape our character,
BiblicalLiteracy, hotTopics, worldview
From Scandal to Salvation: How Misfits Became the Ancestors of Jesus
When we open the Gospel of Matthew and begin reading the genealogy of Jesus in chapter 1, we are confronted with a list of names, some of which might seem ordinary or unremarkable. But woven into this lineage are extraordinary stories of women who, by cultural standards of their time,
BiblicalLiteracy, worldview
Shocking Biblical Secret: How Separating Light from Darkness Can Transform Your New Year!
“God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.” – Genesis 1:4 As we turn the page into a new year, many of us resolve to make changes in our lives—set new goals, drop bad habits, and focus on growth and transformation. The earliest
Continuing from our last discussion on the life of Solomon, we shall see some applicable peculiarities. 2. Solomon was a child of great promises of God 1 Chronicle 22:6-10 and he enjoyed those promises. Let us look at some of these promises. I. Promise of peace. II. Rest from his