False Reasons people reject the Gospel and How to counter them – 2


False Reasons people reject the Gospel and How to counter them – 2

In the previous article, we discussed some false reasons people reject the Gospel. There are a ton of those reasons. We may not be able to exhaust them, but we will discuss a few of them in this article.

Who Says the Bible is True Anyway? This is one of the classics. This question is asked in many forms. On a recent evangelistic outreach, someone asked one of the sisters sharing the gospel this same question. He said “the Bible is just merely an historical book. Everyone can decide for themselves which set of historical books to believe”. Instead of trying to prove that the Bible is true from the word-go, you can just try to expose the falseness of the question by asking a simple question like this: Have you read the whole Bible? Most Christians haven’t read the whole Bible so you can be sure many of the unbelievers haven’t as well. If they haven’t read it, it means their accusation or question is not their own, they are just repeating a question they have heard from someone else. A follow up question you can ask when you find out they have not read the whole Bible is this: How do you know it is not true if you have not even read it? Answering the question like this helps you avoid the unnecessary back and forth and cuts to the chase. It also gives you an opportunity to invite them to read the Bible for themselves to find out the truth. Before I move to the next point let me just say this, there are incontrovertible proofs that the Bible is Divine and true. We will cover this in another article.

What if Someone Never Hears about Jesus? Believe it or not, I have heard this one countless times. This question is asked in different ways. “What about the person in that African Jungle that never hears about Jesus”? “It would be unfair for God to send someone who never heard the gospel to hell”. The problem with these kind of questions is their relevance. The question is simply not relevant to the discussion of the gospel. This is an example of a fallacy called a red herring (pointing at some colorful story to take attention away from the current discussion).

Instead of writing an epistle or going theological, you can just ask a few simple questions to expose the falseness of the question. You can ask: Have you met anyone who went to hell because they never heard about Jesus? If the answer is no, then you can follow up by asking: Why are we talking about an hypothetical person that may not exist when we can talk about you and I that clearly exist?

If they say Yes on the other hand, then it means they know of a place called Hell and they are sure that without Jesus, they are heading there. Then you can just tease them by saying “Since you know all these, what are you waiting for?”

Well, good for you, you have found peace in your religion, but you know what may be true for you may not be true for everybody. This is probably the most popular objection to the gospel in out culture today. We could give a long winded answer about objective truth and why truth is true, or we could make our point by asking a few questions. Let us try these few questions.

Imagine a woman who just heard from her doctor that she is 3 months pregnant.

Is it true she was pregnant last month even if she did not know about it?

Now she knows, but is yet to inform her husband, does it mean it is true for her but not yet true for him?

Her baby doesn’t know Dad exist and would probably not know for a long time. Does the fact that she doesn’t know about Dad make dad’s existence untrue?

Hopefully you get the point. Truth is true, whether people know it or not, agree to it or not. So if the gospel we preach is the truth, isn’t it worth accepting for the mere sake of the truth?

You may have heard other questions like “all the world religions teach the same things” or “A lot of other people claim to have the truth”, etc. How do you tackle and deal with those questions? Hopefully we will discuss these in the next article. God bless you.

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