Continuing from our last discussion on the life of Solomon, we shall see some applicable peculiarities. 2. Solomon was a child of great promises of God 1 Chronicle 22:6-10 and he enjoyed those promises. Let us look at some of these promises. I. Promise of peace. II. Rest from his
History is very important. Rick Joyner said in his book ‘Shadow of Things to Come’, ‘those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat the same thing’. History is a good thing, it is not a bad thing for history to repeat itself if the event is a good one.
BiblicalLiteracy, falseDoctrines
Curses and Generational curse – The lies about this teaching Part 9
How To Deal With Spirit Husband And Spirit Wife Marriage is a covenant. The moment a man and a woman wedded they entered into a covenant. Let us apply this to spirit husband and spirit wife. Let’s us assume this spirit husband or spirit wife claiming that you belong to
BiblicalLiteracy, falseDoctrines
Curses and Generational curse – The lies about this teaching Part 8
What Was It That Was Put To Death With Christ? “We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.” Romans 6:6 (New Living Translation) “And those who are Christ’s have put
BiblicalLiteracy, falseDoctrines
Curses and Generational curse – The lies about this teaching Part 7
In the last article, we considered what the gospel is and what the power of the gospel means. Today, we look at what all these means to a Christian. The Implications Of Jesus’ death To A Christian. As a result of the sin of Adam, man lost his place and